Winterising Your Pool: A Comprehensive Guide to Keep Your Pool in Top Shape

As the weather cools down, it’s important to prepare your pool for the winter months ahead. Winterising your pool will not only protect it from the harsh weather conditions but also ensure that it’s in top shape when it’s time to open it up again in spring. Here’s a simple guide with everything you need to know about winterising your pool!

At the start of winter:

Reduce Chlorinator Times:

As the water temperature drops, reduce the run time of your chlorinator to prevent excessive chlorine loss.

Clean and Service Your Pool:

Before winter sets in, make sure your pool is clean and all equipment is working properly. This will prevent any issues when you’re ready to open up your pool again.

Balance Water Chemistry:

Ensure that the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness are all in the proper range. This will prevent corrosion, scaling, and staining of your pool surfaces.

Add Algaecide:

Adding algaecide to your pool before winter sets in will help prevent algae growth during the colder months.

Shock Your Pool:

Before closing your pool, shock it with a high dose of chlorine. This will help kill any bacteria and organic matter that could cause problems during the winter.

Check Over All Equipment:

Inspect all equipment, including pumps, filters, and heaters, and make sure they’re in good working order. Replace any parts that are worn or damaged.

Cover Your Pool:

Finally, cover your pool with a proper winter cover. This will prevent debris from getting into the pool and reduce the amount of maintenance needed during the winter months.

Every two weeks during winter:

Regularly Check Water Levels:

Monitor the water level in your pool and top it up if needed. Low water levels can cause damage to the pool surface and equipment.

Balance Water Monthly:

Even if you’re not using your pool during winter, it’s important to maintain proper water chemistry. Test the water every two weeks and adjust the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness as needed.

Clean the Pool:

Use a pool brush and vacuum to remove any debris that accumulates on the bottom of the pool.

Check and Clean Salt Cells:

If you have a saltwater pool, check and clean the salt cells regularly to ensure they’re working properly.

Check and Clean Filters:

Clean the pool filter at least once a month to prevent it from clogging up.

Run the Filter a Few Hours a Day:

Running the filter for a few hours every day will help keep the water circulating and prevent stagnation.

And, when winterising your pool always make sure to:

  • follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your pool equipment.
  • keep the water level in your pool at the recommended level for your pool type.
  • use a pool cover that’s designed to fit your pool size and shape.
  • store any pool equipment that’s not in use in a dry, protected area.
  • keep water in your pool and do not drain your pool completely as this can cause damage to the pool structure.

By making sure you are prepared and organised, you can ensure that your pool is protected and ready for winter.

If you need assistance with winterising your pool, we are here to help. Contact us today to schedule your winter pool service.